Norfolk Master Gardeners
Working To Make A Better Environment
2025 Upcoming Events in South Hampton Roads
The Good Gardening 2025 Series
Mary D Pretlow Anchor Branch Library
When: March 12th at 6:30PM.
Topic: "Everything You've Wanted to Know about Compost"
Speakers Bureau has been updated for 2025.
Norfolk Gardening News!
Our application process for the Class of 2025 has closed. If you would like to be added to the Prospect List for the Class of 2026, please email us at
See the updated FAQ's for the Intern Training Class
We are taking some time to update our look and feel.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause...
We Are Under Construction...
We hope to make the transition by the end of March.
Norfolk’s Plant Hardiness Zone has changed with the new 2023 USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map.
Plug in your zip code to see - all of Our Fair City is now in Zone 8B, with slightly warmer average winter temperatures as measured from 30 years of data. Zone boundaries for more than half the U.S. have changed in this map.
For us, this has implications for potentially longer growing seasons, weeds germinating earlier, and an increase in the number of insects. If only that translates to more pollinators!
As always, Norfolk Master Gardeners suggest that growers look for native species first. Plant Virginia Natives has links to important information about the long-term impact of these plants, which plants are invasive, where to buy natives, and the current Native Plants for Hampton Roads. This guide is available to download now, but a new edition is due out early next year. We look forward to seeing changes to the guide that may stem from the revised Hardiness Zones in our region.
Garden Chats
Other Topics
Urban Ag Team is Here For You
Need some help with a veggie garden? Or a pollinator garden, native plant garden or container garden? Are you a librarian or teacher and need help creating a teaching garden? Are you a civic leader or church interested in establishing a community garden? Or maybe a homeowner who would like to start a veggie garden, pollinator bed, native plant garden or container garden? Our Urban Ag Team can help with all of that by providing you with all of the gardening advice and education you need to be successful. We will come to your organization, and we even make house calls!
Contact us at
You can now find the Lafayette Wetlands Partnership activities under the NMG Project Activity/LWP in the menu bar.
Looking for information about the Norfolk Master Gardener Program?
Check here...
Norfolk Gardening News!
It's March in Norfolk, Virginia. Check out the Planting Guide for Zone 8b.
(Pending the new guides from Virginia Tech Cooperative Extension Service that include the recent change to 8b).
The New Plant Hardiness Zones Map from
Past issues of 'This Month in the Garden' are available here.
Here is a Guide from the VCE showing the best times of the year to prune your shrubs.
Soil test kits are free and available at each Norfolk Public Library branch. There is a $10 fee for the routine testing of your soil sample, which you will need to mail directly to the Virginia Tech Soil Lab. The results normally provide all the necessary information to correct your soil adequately. The test kit includes a form with instructions for collecting the sample and sending it to the Soil Lab along with your payment.
Spring is approaching.
It is important to remember
to put out clean feeders
with fresh 'nectar'
in anticipation of the return of
The NMGs Crape Myrtle Pruning Project
was in Colonial Place
Residents of Colonial Place improved the appearance of their crape myrtles with
guidance and instruction
from the NMGs.
Here you see the before and after images.
For more information about this project, contact:
Paulette Crawford: or (757) 650-4129
Ginger Farrell: or (757) 972-5987